Dry eyes may be the reason for numerous symptoms on the eye. Find out here which factors may contribute to a dry eye:
Dry eyes - which
symptoms do you have?

Tired eyes

Tired eyes
Because of a lipid layer too thin, you will have to make some extra efforts and concentrate on your environment. This leads to a faster tiring of the eye.

Burning sensation in the eye

Burning sensation in the eye
Burning sensation in the eye with visible redding of sclera and conjunctiva caused by an insufficient natural tear film fluid.

Grain of sand in the eye

Grain of sand in the eye
Foreign body sensation in the eye, as if there was a sand grain in the eye that does not belong there. This is due to the fact that the cornea dries out too fast and rubs against the eyelid. In some cases, the reason may indeed be a foreign body, which should be subject to a consultation of your ophthalmologist.

Impaired vision

Impaired vision
A missing natural tear film may lead to blurred vision and an unclear perception of the environment.

Pressure sensation or pain on the eye

Pressure sensation or pain on the eye
All other symptoms lead to a strong pressure sensation or even pain.

Itching of the eye

Itching of the eye
A sense of itching on the eye surface due to the fact that the eye surface is rubbing too much on the eyelid.

Which factors
may cause dry eyes?
Dry eyes may be caused and aggrevated by numerous factors. Find the most common ones here.


In case you are exposed to draught for a longer period of time, your eye surface may dry out from it. The consequence is that your tear film may be destroyed, leading to a dry sensation on the eye.

Heavy air conditioning usage

Heavy air conditioning usage
Incorrectly adjusted air conditioning systems may dry out room air and eyes quickly and force them to produce tear fluid.

Harsh weather conditions

Harsh weather conditions
Harsh weather conditions may strongly influence your eyes. Very hot as well as very cool air have a negative impact on our tear film.

Working with display screens

Working with display screens
Continuous and permanent working with display screens leads to a heavy suffering of the eyes. Less blinking then results in an undersupply of the eye surface.

Dry heating air

Dry heating air
Mostly in winter, warm heating air leads to a quicker drying out of the room air. Should there be no sufficient compensation, this also leads to a quicker evaporation on your eye surface.

Air pollution

Air pollution
Exhaust gas and particulate matter – especially in urban centers – heavily stress your natural tear film, leading to an insufficient supply of the eye.


Smoking may negatively influence the quality of your natural tear film. This may affect active as well as passive smokers.


Persons suffering from diabetes also bear a stronger risk for dry eyes.

Medication intake

Medication intake
Persons requiring medication against high blood pressure or undergoing hormonal therapy run a higher risk of dry eyes.

Eye diseases

Eye diseases
Persons already suffering from eye diseases such as glaucoma or age related macular degeneration (AMD), subject to special therapies and substances (beta blockers), suffer from a higher risk of dry eyes as well.

ocuvers spray hyaluron
Hydrates, relieves and nourishes dry eyes. Helps improve comfort for all types of contact lenses. ocuvers spray hyaluron is free of ethanol and benzalkonium chloride, absorbs quickly and is odorless.
- Improves hydration of the eye surface across all levels of the dry eye syndrome1
- Recommended as an alternative to eye drops in mild, moderate and serious cases of the dry eye syndrome1
- Long-lasting improvement of the tear film stability1
- Suitable for all contact lense wearers
- Odorless
As an alternative or supplement to eye drops1, they relieve
- irritations caused by contact lenses
- irritations caused by long hours in front of a computer
- by long car or motocycle rides as well as caused
- by air conditioning, wind, air pollution and swimming pool water
- Contains liposomes and hyaluronic acid
- Free of ethanol and benzalkonium chloride
- Free from ingredients with preserving effects
- Odorless
Compared to eye drops, the application of the spray is easy: Simply spray onto closed eye from a distance of approx. 10 cm. Keep your eye shut for around five seconds, allowing the liposomes to reach the lid edge. By opening your eyes, the artificial tear film will spread across the entire eye surface. Repeat application several times a day if desired.
15ml pump spray bottle with patented COMFORT® system

ocuvers spray lipostamin
Hydrates, relieves and nourishes dry, burning and red eyes. ocuvers spray lipostamin improves hydration of the eye surface, is free of ethanol and benzalkonium chloride, absorbs quickly and is odorless.
- Reduces reddening caused by irritations of the skin surface1
- Improves hydration of the eye surface across all grades of the dry eye syndrome1
- Recommended for calming and alleviating the symptoms of eyelid and eye surface irritations1
- Long-lasting improvement of the tear film stability1
- Suitable for users of all types of contact lenses
- Odorless
As an alternative or supplement to eye drops,1 they relieve
- The plant extracts in the spray are found to be beneficially soothing for the treatment of allergies caused by pollen, dust and other external factors
- by long car or motorcycle rides
- by air conditioning, wind, air pollution, swimming pool water etc.
- With liposomes and euphrasy
- Free of ethanol and benzalkonium chloride
- Free from ingredients with preservative effects
- Odorless
- Plant extracts contained:

Euphrasia (eyebright)
has calming effects on inflammations of the conjunctiva and lid edge
Liquorice (Glycyrrhiza glabra)
can help reduce the appearance of red eyes.
Everlasting flower (Helychrysum italicum)
has been used for a long time for inflammations and swellings of the eye and eyelid.
Caper extract (Capparis spinosa)
contains a high amount of flavonoids, playing an essential role in the treatment of allergies.
1 Hueck, A. and Wehrmann, R. (2017) Comparison of the Clinical Efficacy of Four Different Liposomal Sprays for the Treatment of Dry Eye. Open Journal of Ophthalmology, 7, 103-116.
ocuvers wipes
Moisturizing ophthalmic wet wipes with hyaluronic acid and aloe vera. The gentle type of lid hygiene. Hyaluronic acid and aloe vera cleanse and refresh tired and irritated eyes. Both have a moisturizing effect and help remove potential deposits and make up.
- Daily lid hygiene
- Moisture and care for irritated and tired eyes
- Eye cleansing in case of inflammatory diseases such as blepharitis or blepharoconjunctivitis
- As an aid for the treatment of allergy related eye diseases
- Make-up removal
- Cleansing of sensitive skin – including those of children
- Ophthalmic wet wipes soaked with hyaluronic acid and aloe vera
- Aloe vera is plant based and has anti-inflammatory properties
- Every ophthalmic wet wipe is individually packed, making it very hygienic
- Medical device – produced under pharmaceutical conditions
- Hyaluronic acid
- Aloe vera
- Adapted to the physiological pH-value of the eye
- Does not contain preservatives such as phenoxyethanol, benzalkonium chloride, chlorhexidine, thiomersal and parabens
In order to moisturize and cleanse eyes and lid edges, use wipes top down on the upper eye lid and from bottom to top on the lower eye lid. Afterwards, streak any residues or deposits towards the corner of each eye.
Box with 20 individually packed single use wipes
In your pharmacy or at your eye specialist

Where can you get ocuvers eye sprays?
In Germany and Benelux: in your pharmacy or at your eye specialist (Germany). For all other countries: please contact us and we will be happy to help you!